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Defense Metals Completes Phase 2 Pit Geotechnical Drilling

Defense Metals Corp

Defense Metals Corp has completed the Phase 2 open pit diamond core and sonic infrastructure geotechnical drilling program in conjunction with SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc.

The work, with the support of APEX Geoscience Ltd., was completed by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. (“SRK”) one of the principal consultants for the ongoing preliminary feasibility study (“PFS”) regarding the Company’s Wicheeda Rare Earth Element (REE) Project located near Prince George, Canada.

In addition, the Company commissioned Precision GeoSurveys Inc. to complete a 503 line-km airborne magnetic and radiometric survey over a 45 square-km are of the Wicheeda Project.

The data has been delivered to the Defense Metals’ technical team and is currently under review for ranking of exploration targets, which the Company will release as they become available.

Craig Taylor, CEO of Defense Metals, said: “We are pleased to have completed Phase 2 geotechnical programs and are encouraged that open pit geotechnical drilling has intersected significant widths of REE mineralized carbonatite within the western pit wall not previously known.

“Given the success of the prior ground radiometric surveys, the Company commissioned a 45 square-km airborne geophysical survey surrounding the Wicheeda REE Deposit, which we are now interpreting to guide property wide exploration efforts.

“The ongoing Wicheeda Project PFS study remains on target for completion at the end of Q2 2024, and the data gathered as part of this drilling campaign will provide key inputs to inform the open pit slope design work by SRK.”

Phase 2 Pit Geotechnical Drilling

Highlights of the recently completed phase 2 drill program and upcoming works include:

  • Completion of 6 diamond drill holes totalling 1,182 metres within the Wicheeda REE Deposit pit shell; inclusive of 4 open pit geochemical drill holes totalling 920 metres; and additional 2 near-mine exploration holes totalling 262 metres.
  • South and west pit wall drill holes WI23-81 and WI23-82 intersected significant widths of visibly REE mineralized dolomite carbonatite from surface over core intervals of 54 metres (WI23-81, see Image 1), and 21 metres followed by a 65-metre core interval of xenolithic-dolomite carbonatite (see Image 2), respectively1. Drilling of WI23-82 into the west pit wall of the Wicheeda Deposit was successful tested a new ground radiometric anomaly (see Defense Metals news release dated September 5, 2023). Assay results are pending and are expected in the coming months.
  • Completion of 9 sonic overburden drill holes totalling 160 metres, and 14 test pits totalling 62 metres designed to support the characterization of the shallow soil subsurface and bedrock foundations of potential future waste rock storage, mineralization stockpile, contact water pond (CWP), crusher, processing plant, and tailings storage facility (TSF) locations.

Phase 3 Pit Geotechnical Drilling

Mobilization is currently underway for completion of the final Phase 3 sonic overburden and test pit campaign which will comprise 10 sonic overburden drill holes and 3 test pits with the CWP, TSF and TSF alternatives area.

The Phase 3 drilling and test pit program is expected to be completed within 4 weeks time.
Mineralized drill core derived for the Phase 2 pit geotechnical campaign has been cut and sampled and submitted for analysis to ALS Global, North Vancouver. Results are expected in the coming months and will be released subject to QA/QC review.

About Defense Metals Corp

Defense Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company focused on the development of its 100% owned Wicheeda Rare Earth Element Deposit located near Prince George, British Columbia, Canada.

Defense Metals Corp. trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “DEFN”, in the United States, trading symbol “DFMTF” on the OTCQB and in Germany on the Frankfurt Exchange under “35D”.

Defense Metals is a proud member of Discovery Group.